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The Solipsistics - Jesus of the Apes (Frigidisk)

The Solipsistics (if you haven't heard of them) are about razor sharp lyrics, melodies that are as catchy as scabies in an elevator and most importantly a sense of humor. How else could they pull off the Lou Reed impersonation ("and the ladies in the white coats go do de dooo.") in the last seconds of 'The Quiet Room'. Indeed, their narratives are not unlike Mr. Reed's. Dark and often character based, "Jesus of the Apes" takes us to another world. But it's not an entirely somber affair.

Cheesy as hell is '(they tease me because) They like me' complete with what sounds like a mice harmony. In fact, the whole thing is like a miniature orchestra, with a pretty little plinky plonky sound on 'Monolog'. The Solipsistics have a multitude of instruments at their disposal though they keep each sound as stripped down and as low key as possible. 'Industrial Artist' sounds surprisingly retro and mainstream on an album filled with enchanting use of instruments, which evoke such a sense of otherworldness. 'Any Requests?' is a curious mixture of brass section and mock show tune. This certainly won't be everyone's cup of tea - some may register distain at the almost twee use of sound or imagine Kermit The Frog bursting into song at any moment. With alternative shades of dark and light, "Jesus of The Apes" is overall an uplifting experience.

Anne-Louise Foley

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